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PMeXecute: Web-based Project, Program and Portfolio Management Toolset

PMeXecute™ will provide you and your PMO with the ability to rapidly implement a consistent and successful approach to project management across your organization.

PMeXecute™ is an easy to use, web-based project, program and portfolio management tool kit that provides our clients with an “out of the box” comprehensive set of project, program and portfolio management processes, templates, techniques, tips and guidelines.   PMeXecute™provides all of the tools, techniques and processes necessary for a successful turnkey implementation of project, program and portfolio management, saving hundreds of thousands of dollars of development and implementation time.    It provides a focal point across the organization for strategic execution excellence.   Linkages to other methodologies, databases, EPPM tools and documents can be easily established throughout the toolkit and an efficient and effective means for leaders to rapidly and accurately build and manage their projects and programs while maintaining a consistent approach across the organization.

Key features and functionality of PMeXecute include:

  • Set of practical and proven project, program and portfolio management processes, templates, guidelines and lessons learned that can be applied to all projects and programs across any organization
  • “Out of the box” usability
  • Easy-to-use, step-by-step guidelines that are written in a coaching narrative format and provide linkages to additional guidelines, processes and lifecycle flowcharts as appropriate
  • Fully defined project and program management methodology, complete with templates, processes, and detailed guidelines and best practices, as well as a thin layer of templates
  • Templates, guides, and processes that are accessible from the first page via process flow navigation
  • Intuitive navigation and transparent linkages within the tool and the capability to link to other lifecycles, SharePoint and other systems and databases
  • Level 1, 2 and 3 definitions of the project, program and portfolio management
  • Practical examples for planning and controlling projects
  • Easy–to-use and modify process flows (road maps)
  • Guidelines that can be printed and used for reference during facilitation sessions (planning; risk; problem solving; requirements gathering)
  • Additional templates and guidelines available from PMLG’s extensive library at no additional charge
  • Pre-defined, easily customizable project templates for each phase
  • Both detailed and a thin layer of practical and proven templates
  • Definitions of roles and responsibilities, inputs, outputs, supporting tools, and key processes for each phase of the project life cycle
  • Ability to access different levels of the methodology based on level of experience and knowledge
  • Pre-loaded with set of 3 high level and 3 detailed level work breakdown structure templates for that reflect your most common projects
  • Embedded with PMLG’s exclusive Project Management Quality Assurance (PMQA)TMhealth check and coaching program
  • In-depth project management lifecycle descriptions and roadmap examples
  • Ability to easily create new methodologies and customize existing
  • Includes stage gate lifecycle examples
  • Includes Agile stage gate and WBS examples
  • Includes guidelines for implementing and using MS Project and other project management scheduling tools
  • Includes guidelines for implementing Enterprise Program and Portfolio Management system


Project and Program Management Guidelines:

  • Initiation Phase:
    • Step-by-step guide for determining your project’s strategic vision statement, objective, problem/need/opportunity statement, high level scope and success criteria
    • How to identify and assess project stakeholders
    • Recommendations of which artifacts to review prior to planning the project
    • Detailed listing of project selection criteria and recommended approach for reviewing potential projects
    • Defined roles and responsibilities
    • Considerations when selecting your team members
    • Introduction to the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and its importance as the foundation for all project planning, including a detailed guide on how to build a WBS and facilitate your team member’s participation in the process
    • Bottom up estimating using the WBS
    • Considerations and process for development of a high-level risk assessment
    • Process for conducting a cost benefit analysis
    • Process for performing net present value calculations
    • Techniques for gathering the high level requirements through the first interview with the client and/or sponsor
    • Guidelines for developing the proposal and/or business case
    • How to develop a quality assurance plan
    • Requesting resources
    • Techniques for developing the communication plan
      • Meeting Management
      • Issues Management
      • Conflict Management
      • Problem Solving Facilitation
      • Status Reporting
      • Scope Change Management
    • Planning Phase
      • Detailed planning and facilitation guide for the project planning workshop
      • Introducing the communication plan
      • Best practices for defining the detailed project charter and WBS, including meeting planning, supplies, and facilitation techniques
      • Guidance gathering requirements and tracing them back to the WBS using the requirements traceability matrix
      • How to define project responsibilities using a responsibility matrix tool
      • Detailed risk management process, including how to effectively facilitate a risk identification session, quantify risk, plot the risks, assign owners, identify responses and create risk plans
      • A risk management historical document, pre-populated with 77 common risks with probability of failure and recommended mitigation steps
      • Best practices and detailed processes for translating the WBS into an accurate and detailed project schedule
      • Microsoft Project and other scheduling tool tips and techniques
      • Recommendations on how to measure project quality and conduct quality assurance reviews
    • Execution and Control Phase
      • Best practice for tracking your project and conducting status meetings
      • Capturing work effort and estimating remaining work
      • Tracking costs
      • Cost and work effort variance reporting
      • Metrics tracking
      • Managing scope change utilizing the WBS
      • Corrective action alternatives and considerations
      • The type of and how to complete project sponsor interactions during project execution
      • How to maintain quality and inspect project deliverables
      • Step-by-step process for conducting successful executive meetings
      • How to recognize and manage team conflict
      • Suggestions for keeping ahead of risks and preventing issues
      • Techniques for monitoring risks and risk triggers
      • Translating risks to the issues log
      • Warning signs for projects in trouble and detailed direction in how to take corrective actions during project recovery
    • Close-out Phase Guidelines
      • Checklist for administrative project closure
      • Conducting Lessons Learned Reviews
      • Tools with questions to ask during customer and team member project reviews
      • Guidelines for conducting the post-implementation project review meeting
      • What to do with lessons learned
      • Which documents to archive for historical purposes
      • Ideas for project celebrations

Portfolio Management Guidelines:

  • Stage Gating Guidelines
  • Portfolio Governance Overview
  • Program Governance Standards
  • Examples of Portfolio Reports
  • Techniques for Prioritization
  • Capturing Metrics and Examples of Metrics
  • Program Management Processes
  • Benefits Realization Process
  • Stoplight Reporting Guidelines
  • Governance Activities
  • Governance Thresholds
  • Governance Committees
  • Governance Committee Charter Template
  • Examples of Governance Committee Thresholds
  • Roles and Responsibilities of Governance Committee(s)
  • Portfolio Prioritization Tool (Excel)
  • Examples of Portfolio Heat Maps


Project, Program and Portfolio Management Decision Support Tools (Templates)

  • Opportunity Assessment
  • Business Case
  • Business Case Checklist
  • High Level Project Charter
  • Detailed Project Charter
  • Client Project Costing
  • Cost Benefit Analysis
  • Client Scoping Checklist
  • High Level WBS Templates
  • Pre-Sales Budget Worksheet
  • Problem Identification Worksheet
  • Project Proposal
  • Proposal Checklist
  • High Level Risk Assessment
  • Detailed Project Charter
  • WBS Templates for Most Common Projects
  • The Communication Plan
    • Communication Plan Checklist
    • Issues Log
    • Lessons Learned Template
    • Stakeholder Assessment
    • Organization Chart
    • Communication Matrix
    • Responsibility Matrix
    • Meeting Agenda
    • Milestone Slippage Report
    • Monthly Client Report
    • Team Status Report
    • Dashboard Report
    • Project Notebook Checklist
    • Project Directory
    • Decision Log
    • After Action Report
  • Planning Workshop Agenda
  • Team Charter
  • Deliverable Dictionary
  • Requirements Traceability Matrix
  • Developing Tasks Worksheet
  • Risk Assessment Agenda
  • Risk Log
  • Risk Assessment Template
  • Isobar Priority Plotting Chart
  • Risk Assessment Log
  • Resource Request
  • Deliverable Signoff
  • Scope Change Report
  • Scope Change Log
  • Benefits Identification
  • Benefits Realization Log
  • Governance Committee Charter
  • Customer Satisfaction Survey
  • Client Project Signoff
  • Project Overall Health Checklist
  • Risk Assessment and Mitigation Toolset
  • After Action Report
  • Quality Review Meeting Checklist
  • Quality Review Meeting Checklist
  • Project Initiation Checklist
  • Project Planning Checklist
  • Project Execution Checklist
  • Project Close-out Checklist
  • Team Member Project Evaluation
  • Team Member Peer Review
  • Post Implementation Review Document
  • Client Satisfaction Survey

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Outstanding.  I wish I could have participated in a training course like this one that provides the tools and experiences 15 years ago.

Rebecca Figueroa


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This is the best leadership course I have taken so far.  The training was incredible and worth every penny.  I am so grateful for this opportunity, especially at this juncture of my career.

Jeffrey Isreal

Turner Broadcasting

How can we help you?

Contact us at the PMLG office nearest to you or submit a business inquiry online.
